The first-ever image of a black hole is finally revealed, and it's massive

For a long time, scientists were able to prove mathematically that an object called a black hole could exist in the universe. Yet there was no actual evidence of it to support this hypothesis. On April 10, 2019, scientists from the Event Horizon Telescope have finally released the first-ever image of a black hole located at the center of a massive galaxy called M87. This is a breakthrough in astrophysics and in the history of science because not only it proves the existence of black holes as predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, but it exactly matches our computer simulations of what we thought a black hole might look like. A breakthrough in modern science The black hole image released by EHT is in a galaxy so far away from us. This galaxy is 55 million light-years away from Earth. In other words, the light detected by our telescopes from Earth had already left the M87 galaxy 55 million light-years ago. A light-yea...